Monday, January 31, 2011

Luna Bangbros Breast?

Thursday, February 3, 2011 - 18:00 at the Players' Club di Torino (Palazzo Graneri of the Rock - Via Bogino 9) presentation will be held to give me court reporters. Diary of a direct witness of Carlo Coscia . Speakers, in addition to the Author: Piero Gros
, Bruno Quaranta (journalist for La Stampa) and Lanfranco Vaccari (former director of L'Europeo and "Il Secolo XIX ').

Thirty years of journalism in the pen of Charles Coscia, a veteran of print, made sport - and not only - the Stampa of Turin. The career of the author is an inexhaustible mine of anecdotes, data clean, memoirs, interviews and, most importantly, people. Giovanni Arpino austerity langarola the crest of Agassi, through the poets of the Beat Generation, the Bull of Pulici, the entr'actes Alberto Tomba. The common thread of all these stories is a man of extreme dedication to his profession: the relentless race towards the news, the war against the dictatorship of the hands and presses, time travel of a type of journalism that is passed.


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